September is Urology Awareness Month


Did you know that:

  • 1 in 2 people will experience a urological condition in their lifetime?
  • Every year, over 78,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with urological cancers?
  • 54% of bladder cancer patients were unaware of the signs and symptoms before diagnosis?

Urology Awareness Month, held every September, aims to change that by raising the profile of urological diseases such as bladder cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, and non-malignant conditions including urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, incontinence, and erectile dysfunction.

This important campaign is organised by The Urology Foundation in the UK, which works to increase awareness and improve knowledge of urological health among healthcare professionals, patients, families, and policymakers. The aim is to highlight the importance of earlier diagnosis, improve treatment outcomes, and support research into new and effective therapies for urological diseases. At Combat Medical, we’re committed to supporting this initiative by focusing on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and our innovative HIVEC® treatment.

Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) is Extremely Common

Bladder cancer is one of the most common urological cancers, and yet the majority of patients were unaware of its signs and symptoms before they were diagnosed. Early detection is critical, as bladder cancer can be treated more effectively in its earlier stages. In many cases, patients with NMIBC have tumours that are confined to the inner lining of the bladder and have not yet invaded the deeper muscle layers.

Treatment for NMIBC usually involves transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TURBT), followed by intravesical therapy, which is designed to prevent recurrence and progression. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy is the most common treatment, but it does not always work for every patient. For patients who experience BCG failure, the options have traditionally been limited. Many of these patients face the prospect of radical cystectomy (RC), which can have a significant impact on their quality of life.

HIVEC®: A Bladder-Sparing Alternative for NMIBC Patients

At Combat Medical, we believe in providing innovative and effective alternatives to radical cystectomy. One such alternative is HIVEC® (Hyperthermic Intra-Vesical Chemotherapy), a treatment option for patients with high-risk NMIBC, particularly those who do not respond to BCG therapy.

HIVEC® involves delivering chemotherapy directly into the bladder while simultaneously applying controlled heat to the solution. The combination of heat and chemotherapy enhances the effectiveness of the treatment by increasing drug penetration into the bladder wall and improving cancer cell destruction. This method not only improves the efficacy of the chemotherapy but also reduces the risk of recurrence and progression of the disease.

What are the Benefits of HIVEC® Treatment?

  1. Bladder-Sparing: One of the most significant advantages of HIVEC® is that it offers patients a bladder-sparing alternative to radical cystectomy. For patients, preserving the bladder is obviously a priority, as bladder removal can significantly affect their lifestyle and emotional well-being.
  2. Enhanced Efficacy: The heat applied during HIVEC® therapy increases the permeability of cancer cells, allowing the chemotherapy to penetrate deeper into the bladder lining. This enhances the treatment’s ability to target and destroy cancer cells more effectively.
  3. Reduced Recurrence and Progression: HIVEC® has shown promise in reducing the recurrence and progression rates of NMIBC, particularly in patients with high-risk forms of the disease who may be resistant to standard therapies.
  4. Minimally Invasive: The procedure is performed without major surgery, reducing recovery time and the potential for complications. Patients can continue with their daily activities with minimal interruption.

Raising Awareness About Bladder Cancer and Urological Conditions

Urology Awareness Month is an important opportunity to spread the word about bladder cancer and other urological conditions, encouraging more people to recognise early signs and seek medical attention in a timely manner. People should be made aware of the common symptoms of bladder cancer which include: blood in the urine, frequent urination, and pain or discomfort when urinating. However, the problem is that many patients may overlook or dismiss these symptoms, attributing them to less serious conditions. This delay in seeking medical advice can result in a more advanced stage of cancer by the time it is diagnosed.

Through awareness campaigns, the Urology Foundation and healthcare organisations like Combat Medical aim to educate the public about the importance of urological health, the risks associated with delaying diagnosis, and the treatment options available.

Combat Medical’s Commitment to Urology Health

At Combat Medical, we are proud to support Urology Awareness Month and are dedicated to improving the lives of patients with bladder cancer through our innovative HIVEC® treatment. For patients with NMIBC, HIVEC® offers a potentially life-changing option, helping them avoid radical cystectomy and maintain a higher quality of life.

As September is now upon us, we encourage everyone to learn more about urological conditions, be aware of the potential symptoms of bladder cancer, and explore the treatment options available. Early detection and access to the right treatment can make all the difference. Watch this space for more information and updates about how HIVEC® can help transform urological care for patients facing the challenges of NMIBC.

Together, we can make a difference in raising awareness, improving outcomes, and offering hope to those affected by urological conditions.

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